Add a few others TestNets
To send data and tokens from external networks, add those networks to your EVM-compatibility wallet and get some free coins and tokens from faucets.
Supported chains:
YARchain (TestNet)
Ethereum Sepolia
Polygon Amoy
Optimism Sepolia
Avalanche Fuji
Base Sepolia
SKALE Europe
Binance Smart Chain (TestNet)
Currently YAR supports all EVM-based blockchains (it is about 230 chains), but it is tough to find test coins for not-so-popular but still valued networks. If you have some free coins of any (listed or unlisted) EVM-based chain, please share them with us.
Just donate it on 0x51155c8E42b1d0caEF3A0c6653d7b18db384d38f and send a message with the "Bridge Message" from the Donated address to the "Receive on YARchain TestNet: 0x51155c8E42b1d0caEF3A0c6653d7b18db384d38f address.
Enter the BlockchainName that you donated or the BlockchainName that you want to add to the YAR interconnector.
Last updated
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