YAR v.1.0beta — Rewarding Usage Experience

After adding the necessary networks and getting free coins and erc20 tokens, you need to go to the interface of the interconnector:

On Jun 4th, 2024 the interconnector supports transferring all types of data, coins, tokens, messages, etc in chain-2-chain and chain-2-multichain modes.

On this site, you need to connect your wallet - "Connect Wallet" (Rainbow, Coinbase Wallet, Metamask, or any other wallet that supports "Wallet Connect").

For Native Token (coin) cross-chain transferring:

  • Enter "Reciever address" (the address that gets tokens after transfer)

  • Choose the network from which you are sending the token: "Send from"

For erc20 tokens cross-chain transferring

  • Enter "Reciever address" (the address that gets tokens after transfer)

  • Choose the network from which you are sending the token: "Send from"

  • Enter "Send amount"

  • Choose a network that the token is being sent to: "Recieve to"

For erc721 tokens cross-chain transferring:

  • Enter "Reciever address" (the address that gets tokens after transfer)

  • Choose the network from which you are sending the token: "Send from"

For erc1155 tokens cross-chain transferring:

  • Enter "Reciever address" (the address that gets tokens after transfer)

  • Choose the network from which you are sending the token: "Send from"

For message cross-chain transferring:

  • Choose the network from which you are sending the message: "Send from"

  • Choose the network to which you are sending the message "Recieve to"

  • Enter "Reciever address" (the address that gets a message after transfer)

  • Enter your message in "Message" area.

  • Pick up the "Transfer" button.

Last updated